Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Hello all!  Sorry I have been neglecting this blog for the past while.  Almost a month since my last post!  With all the busyness that surrounds this time of year and the busyness that surrounds my line of work during the Christmas season, finding time to write hasn’t been easy.  This blog post won’t be long or overly thought provoking, but just something to let you know I am alive and have not given up on my blog.
I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas.  Myself, along with Crystal-Lynn and Benjamin spent our Christmas traveling so that we could see as much of our family as possible.  I personally believe family, after Jesus of course, are the most important parts of Christmas!  So, we spent time with my in-laws on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day before packing up and driving to St. John’s to see my brother and his family, my mom and dad, and Crystal-Lynn’s brother and family.  It was great to be able to spend time with them all!  Unfortunately today is the day all that must end.  
I am excited to head in to a new year in our Youth ministry.  There is something fresh and exciting about starting out at the beginning of a new year.  Somewhat like a clean slate I guess.  I pray that this will be a year of vision in the area of outreach.  We have an amazing community with many great young people.  I’m not usually one for New Years’s resolutions but I really want outreach, which has already been a passion for me, to become that much more of a passion!  After all, if you remember one of my first posts, reaching out to those who don’t have a relationship with God is (or should be) why we do what we do.
Personally and from family perspective, this was a big year!  Crystal-Lynn and I were blessed with our first child!  A happy, healthy baby boy who we named Benjamin!  He has been an awesome and welcomed addition to our family.  There is nothing more amazing that watching him grow and learn new things.  It’s fun to experience that with him.  Also, we started in a new church this past year.  That has been a great experience as well.  I love to learn and working in my current church has allowed me that opportunity. 
Well, that’s all for now.  I wish all of you a Happy New Year and I pray that it will bring many blessings.